Installation Tools/Accessories

The Audio Control LC7i is shown on a white background.

Audio Control LC7i


The AudioControl LC7i, six channel active line converter, allows all music lovers…

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Audio Control LC8i audio control Audio Control LC8i audio control Audio Control LC8i

Audio Control LC8i


The LC8i is a highly flexible eight-channel signal processor with active input circuitry…

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DD Audio BSI Bass Signal Interface - DD Audio BSI Bass Signal Interface - DD Audio BSI Bass Signal Interface - DD Audio BSI Bass Signal Interface - DD Audio BSI Bass Signal Interface -.

DD Audio BSI Bass Signal Interface


The DD Audio BSI (Bass Signal Interface) is designed for audio systems…

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A DD Audio SC2 2 Channel Line Output Signal Converter on a white background.

DD Audio SC2 2 Channel Line Output Signal Converter


The SC2 is a premium quality 2 channel line output signal converter.

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A DD Audio SC2 2 Channel Line Output Signal Converter on a white background.

DD Audio SC2 2 Channel Line Output Signal Converter


The SC2 is a premium quality 2 channel line output signal converter.

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DD Audio SC4a high-level input module

DD Audio SC4a 4 Channel Line Output Signal Converter


Greater OEM interface compatibility…

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CDA DD Audio SC4a 4 Channel Line Output Signal Converter high-level input module.

DD Audio SC4a 4 Channel Line Output Signal Converter


Premium quality 4 channel line output signal converter.

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A DD Audio SC6a 6 Channel Active Line Output Signal Converter with two inputs and two outputs.

DD Audio SC6a 6 Channel Active Line Output Signal Converter


Allow for greater OEM interface compatibility…

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